Anti-ram Vehicle Barricades – Second Strike Capability

Please note: 
Vehicle barricade images and information in this section are provided courtesy of Delta Scientific

Stop and Destroy a 65,000lb (29,484 kg) vehicle traveling at 50mph (80kph )

These certified barricades, bollards, gates and beam barricadesstop vehicles dead in their tracks. In fact, like the units originallycertified at K12 and now tested at K54 (5.4 million foot-pounds),many will stop much heavier vehicles going faster than theK12 certification standard. This is a quick overview of Ourcrash-certified systems — more information by contacting us directly.

High-Speed, High-Security Barricade with Minimal Foundation

This high speed, high security, shallow foundation barricadeis Our fastest, smallest and shallowest foundation barricade,created especially for high-speed actuation and ease of installation. Itis set in a foundation only 10-11 inches (25-28 cm) deep. K12 crash certifiedby the U.S. Dept. of State (SD-SDT-02.01 Revision A datedMarch 2003) with no penetration, it stops a 15,000 pound (69,480 kg)vehicle traveling 50 mph (80 kph) dead in its tracks. And it stillcontinues to operate after a 1.2 million foot pound impact. When anattack is imminent, the barricade rises in less than one-half second(0.500 seconds)!

Very High Security Barricade System

Set in a foundation only 18 inches (46cm), the barrier survives and operatesafter a K54 impact. With its shallow foundation and aesthetic design, it is a majorbreakthrough in high duty, anti-terrorist barricades, eliminating the concerns ofinterference with buried pipes, power lines and fiber optic communication lines.This is our next generation barricade, being selected for embassies, nuclearpower plants, MIL, museums and other critical threat locations.

FM Hydraulic Barricade System

The barrier is a 108 inch (2,743mm) moving wedge that is 38 inches (965mm)high. Widths are available up to 240 inches. It is crash rated K12/L3. It lowers toallow the passage of authorized vehicles. These barricades are employed at nuclearfacilities, power plants, corporate headquarters and embassies.The barricade is used for the highest security applications and installs at difficultlocations such as parking structure ramps or areas with sub-surface drainageproblems. Both shallow foundation or bolt-to-surface versions are available. Thebarrier is a moving ramp barricade and available in widths up to 240 inches(6,096mm) and 39 inches (991mm) high.

High Security Bollard System

This is the highest crash rated bollard system we sell. Applications include Federal andMIL facilities, embassies and high profile, high-risk clients. Its heightis 39 inches and its diameter is 12.75 to 13.25 inches. Speed of operation can beadjusted from 3 to 6 seconds (emergency fast operation of only 2 seconds).Bollard arrays of 1 to 6 or more can be packaged. The unit can be a hydraulic, pneumatic,manual operation or fixed post bollard and be used with or without a decorative sleeve.

Linear Crash Gate/Swing Crash Gate

This crash gate also withstands the impact of a 15,000 lb. vehicle striking thegate at 50 MPH, suffering no significant damage. It was created for the highestsecurity applications such as embassies, government facilities and corporateheadquarters. The gate can be tailored to match the surrounding decor in a widevariety of architectural treatments. This barrier is the swing version of our othercrash gate.

For more information on this and other vehicle controlsystems, contact our sales team.

Complete design, installation & consulting services are available worldwide.

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Please note: 
Vehicle barricade images and information in this section are provided courtesy of Delta Scientific



Anti-ram Vehicle Barricades – Second Strike Capability Photo Anti-ram Vehicle Barricades – Second Strike Capability Photo Anti-ram Vehicle Barricades – Second Strike Capability Photo Anti-ram Vehicle Barricades – Second Strike Capability Photo Anti-ram Vehicle Barricades – Second Strike Capability Photo Anti-ram Vehicle Barricades – Second Strike Capability Photo